• Exemption: This google form allows you to request exemption from future review. The most common use cases include students conducting informational interviews or user experience testing that are not part of Human Subjects Research.
  • Protocol Review: This google doc has the instructions and questions for submitting a project for review. The most common use cases include capstone or thesis projects that involve Human Subjects Research, and research done by professors.
  • Consent Forms: This google doc has a sample consent form and resources to help you create your own. A consent form will be necessary for most Human Subjects Research, as part of the consent process each potential participant does.
  • Example IRB Protocol ("Framing Econ Games"): This google doc has a sample submission to the IRB for an experiment about "Framing Econ Games".
  • Example OSF Preregistration ("Framing Econ Games): This google doc has a sample OSF Preregistration that matches the sample IRB Protocol above. Note that preregistration is encouraged by not required by the MU IRB, and this sample is provided partly to show how minimal a preregistration can be--more detail is often good, but even pre-registering the most minimal information can be great. Note that the OSF website has more example preregistrations